Just another WordPress site

Author: Joe B.

Someday, I'll use some AI to create whatever it is that needs to go here.

Some Stuff To Get Me Going

Greetings and welcome to another TDF post!  I need to start typing and more typing and get back into the swing of things! This might go away in a day or two.  Right now, I’m looking forward to a grilled Ham & Cheese sandwich, and you’ll get to see some pictures that are available to me.  Here is a sample:

A bookshelf filled with lots of books next to a doorway

This one inspires me; I know I have enough of these to fill a wall.  Check out my Sample Page. I don’t know if there’s any sort of meaning to them laying about as they are but if it’s free, it’s for me!

Happy Days!

I changed my password because I thought it would/should be a good thing to do.  The next thing I know, I couldn’t get in.  Three password changes later, nothing works.  I finally called tech support.

Once I got through (it didn’t take very long), I got a live person. After answering his verification questions, he said hang on.  Thirty seconds later, he came back on and said, “hang on, I’m working on something.”

Thirty seconds after that, he came back on and said, “hang on, I’m working on something.”

Then he said, “Ok, try logging in!”  I tried.  I got in!

Happy days are here again!  Tomorrow, I’m going to start talking about the 2024 election and stuff. Meanwhile, my Hoosiers are undefeated!!!

A Wednesday Test

Welcome to day 1 and one-half. I’m trying to see which looks better.  This is Heading 3.

Meanwhile, this is Heading 4! I think there’s something that will allow me to change the color of my text  I had to edit the HTML code.

   There’s much to learn and the sooner I do, the sooner I can go about thrashing the orange mess before the 2024 election! There are so many things I need to get…  Time for an image:

woman in gray monokini


I asked for a model train wreck and this is what, or who I got. The good news is I obtained this image from my IONOS Dashboard and Unsplash, which I have an account!  The bad news is neither one is ready for me and my guess is they’ve never heard of the Addams Family!  I’m working on something that would resemble Orange Train Wreck!  Stay Tuned…







It’s Alive– Sort Of…

Well, I am learning a few thins. Much of this is of a behind the scenes sort of thing. One of these things is the text editor I’m using once I installed and activated this plugin, Finally, I can so something that makes some sort of sense.  I can even add an image:


That’s it for now!


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